Staff Outsourcing & Management


An expert consultant(s) will work as an extension of your team to fully manage your fleet and proactively drive efficiency, safety, compliance, and value. Our team of Strategic Consulting Experts will help with fleet analytics, and big data to provide tailored solutions to optimize your fleet across its entire lifecycle.

By outsourcing these services, you can free up your own staff to focus on more important tasks to generate more revenue as we take charge of the fugal spending on your fleet. Because we are specialists in this do this over and over, it is cheaper, and results come faster. Your company will benefit from an array of innovations we have in this space to make your operations the most efficient and successful. 

From our pool of qualified resources, we sort our clients with finding the right candidates quickly for even the most key positions in Transport and Fleet Management, taking care of most of the administrative work and screening processes. Simply put, we help our clients hire and manage fleet management employees.

Objective Targets:

  • Creating value for a customer
  • Building a strong infrastructure
  • Synchronized demand and supply
  • Quality measurement and monitoring

taking it step by step

  • Business Analysis

    Business Analysis

    We examine your business to understand how it works so we could make a detailed supply chain management design.

  • Detailed Planning

    Detailed Planning

    We desine facilities, means of transport, best transport routes and then optimize it.

  • Implementation


    Implementation of designed custom supply chain, including intelligent software for managing it.

  • Quality control and monitoring

    Quality control and monitoring

    With intelligent software solutions you can know your supplies and demand status and what is happening in all chain of transportation.


But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.

  • Higher quality service by optimizing transport routes, means of transportation and reducing costs
  • Strong optimized supply chain infrastructure that will make a competitive advantage to your business
  • Synchronized demand and supply which will enable easier and more accurate predictions of your clients needs
  • Effective quality measurement and monitoring will enable you to reduce costs and optimize your business.

Innovative fleet management with exceptional service.

Our philosophy is to have a hands-on approach with extensive attention to detail. Whether you call or contact us online, we’ll get back to you in a timely manner so your fleet can stay on the road and on task.